Our breast treatment ranges in outcome, whether it’s a natural lift you want, encouraging natural volume, preserving, or reducing excess, we’ve got you covered. Our clients love their results, and say they feel more firm, younger, and more supported.
It’s a perfect option for a natural, non invasive alternative to surgery, or to complement surgery, to prepare and maintain the tissue’s integrity.
As we age, gravity happens, and whether that’s from just natural ageing, big breasts, motherhood, implants stretching the area, or excess weight, we provide the ultimate non surgical solution for you.
For Women, we can treat the breast area to encourage natural lifting, tightening, volume, reduction, or preservation.
For Men, we can treat the breast area to reduce excess, lift, or encourage natural volume.
Pricing is based on layers and detail, with treatments ranging from $650-$2500, with some clients opting for the progressive regen, and it will depend where it's the physical or dermal layers needing treatment, a multi layer transformation can be around $2500-$5000 for lift, volume and condition and integrity of tissue, providing a much more natural result to drastic surgical procedures.
Following the recommended treatment regime, this treatment provides an ongoing progression for 12-18 months, and touch ups are not required within that time, unless of course you want separate treatment on other layers that support the region.
Individual results will vary based on the tissue starting condition and the desired outcome, however the above gallery shows individual results.